Girls Getaway Weekend in the Works? Tips For Planning and Making It a Success


Moms who work as well as take care of their kids need a break. All parents need a break at one point or another to rejuvenate their parental batteries to maximize their effectiveness and efficiency as a parent. Times to do this can be few and far between but one of the staples of moms is that of a week with the girls. The lineup of girlfriends you pick to go on the trip will be up to you. A reunion of college roommates might not be the best idea if you are looking to relax without a massive hangover after you return. Girls weekends can go off of the rails so below are a few tips to keep your group on track to make the weekend a success.

Weekend Roster

Picking the people who will be going on the girl’s weekend needs to be done by committee. Two attendees clashing the entire time can make the weekend uncomfortable or cause the group to split. You will also need to define what you want out of the weekend. If you want to relax each night with a nice glass of wine with friends near the beach, recommend a certain locale to people that will be amicable to the idea. If you want to blow off steam with friends then those people who like to go out late and party should be on the weekend roster. Think about clashing
personalities as well so fights or arguments don’t put a wet blanket on weekend.

Location, Location, Location

A location that offers a multitude of things to do as well as a variety of restaurants to eat at should be priority. This gives the group the opportunity to do a variety of things and even split up during the afternoon to meet at night. Bodies of water are great as their commonly will be plenty of restaurants as well as things to do around the water. A girls weekend at a lake house can offer excitement as well as relaxation which checks all of the boxes for any working mother. Offer a few locations for the group to vote on so the voice of every attendee is heard.

Your Significant Other Should Be Offered a Weekend Of Their Own

Leaving your children home for a girl’s weekend means that your significant other is going to have to pick up the slack in the childcare department. Offer them a weekend to themselves with their friend if it can be arranged. This is only fair and all parents need to be given time to relax. Granted boy’s weekends can get a little wild but this might be just what your significant other needs from time to time. This offer will also quell any of the hostility about leaving for the weekend during your trip.

Winging It Probably Isn’t The Best Idea

Winging a weekend of any type can turn into disaster especially when alcohol is involved. Plan a few things to do each day or things that you want to see as a group. Free time should be available to rest or even take a nap in the middle of the day. Dinner planning with a bunch of inebriated people can be nearly impossible to figure out. Vote via email or group chat on places to eat then make reservation if need be. Visiting a city that a friend is familiar with can make this planning much easier so keep this in mind when picking location.

Friends Without Kids CAN Make Time In Their Schedule

The main priority when scheduling this type of weekend is making sure parents have proper care for their kids. The friends without children should be more flexible when it comes to scheduling this. They only have to worry about their prior engagements instead of soccer games, theater practices, and recitals. This does not mean that those without kids shouldn’t have any say; they just should be willing to work with those with more on their plate.

A girl’s weekend can be the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends while getting well-needed stress relief in. The above tips will allow you to refresh yourself while having a blast in the process!


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