Mom Has Super-Rare Delivery During Routine C-Section, and the Pics Are Incredible


While all births are beautiful in their own way, sometimes we come across stories that leave us blown away. That was just the case with a recent viral birth where a baby was born in a “bubble.”

Rachael Burow, a mom of two and blogger from Buffalo, NY, gave birth to her daughter Annabelle on February 21 via C-section. Her husband Nathan was on hand to provide support and to snap a few photographs of the family’s special day. But when their daughter was being delivered, he saw something completely surprising.

Annabelle emerged from her mother still inside of the amniotic sac—a type of birth called “en caul” that only occurs once out of every 80,000 births. At first the new father was a little worried.

“When I first saw the bubble I was just confused. This didn’t look anything like our son did 17 months earlier. Then I made out her face and got scared for a moment. I thought, ‘This isn’t right! I’ve never seen this,'” Nathan said in an interview with Love What Matters. “I immediately looked at the nurse for reassurance. She said, ‘Quick, take a picture, you don’t want to miss this.’ The lack of worry in her expression leveled me out, and without even knowing what I was looking at, I snapped some shots. I didn’t know it was going to be a one in 80,000 moment.”

And it’s a good thing he had his camera ready because he was able to capture a truly unforgettable birth.

While the family was lucky to have such a cool set of birth photos, Rachael is just happy that her birth can show others that the miracle of life can arrive in many different forms

“This was my second C-section so it wasn’t something I was expecting to see! I think this is cool because it just goes to show that no matter how you deliver, vaginal or C-section, you get a beautiful baby either way!”


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