Why Active Mothers Need a Solid Eight Hours of Sleep


When your schedule is busy and you need a way to squeeze in extra time, the first thing you might think of is cutting back on your rest. While it is possible to function on as little as a couple of hours sleep every night, you won’t be at your best. As a mom, you owe it to yourself to get a full night’s rest and easily keep up with all your responsibilities. Online mothers can read mattress reviews while they’re on the go or when they have time to themselves so that they’re able to choose high quality mattresses. Remember, being well rested requires you to go to bed at a set interval, but you also need to be sleeping on a bed that is firm yet supportive. Here are the top reasons that busy moms need to always get their beauty rest.

Staying Alert

You might feel more awake and alert as soon as you drink a cup of coffee, but that energized feeling will eventually wear off and you’ll begin to move more sluggishly. Whether your kids are old enough to drive themselves to school or still so young that you have to change their diapers, as a parent you need to be alert at all times when children are in your care. Who knows when you’re going to need to make a last minute appointment with the pediatrician or when you’re going to be hosting a sleepover. Getting a full eight hours of sleep every night will come in handy when you are required to make a last minute change of plans and use up all the energy you have in reserve.

Being Well Rested Improves Health

The stress of being a busy mom can leave you looking a bit haggard and worse for wear, if you aren’t taking good care of your health. By eating healthy balanced meals, you will keep yourself healthy while being a great example for your kids. Regular exercise will help to prevent you from falling ill while also keeping your waistline trim. Lastly, sleeping on a comfortable mattress will aid you in falling asleep faster while also helping you to stay in a deeper state of sleep. If you cherish your health and always ensure that you’re getting enough sleep, your busy days will go by even faster.

Improving Brain Function

Parents who get the rest that they need are able to think and react faster. When you start your day feeling bright-eyed and bushy tailed, you and your children’s morning routine will feel smoother and dinner-time will be more pleasant and organized. When moms get the required amount of rest, they’re able to react in high stress situations faster and overall make better decisions for their families. If you want to perform better at work as well as at home, sleep tight each night and get the best mattress that money can buy.

Rather than cutting down on the amount of sleep you get every night, find ways to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. Carpool with other parents so you have more time in the morning or even get a babysitter so that your time is better organized. Getting your rest is important so find a way to get all eight hours of sleep every night.


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